Being in debt is not a ideal place to be in your life, it's depressing
and discouraging and could be bad for your health. For the
most part debt is a condition we bring upon ourselves, we have wants
and needs, but we should be concentrating on our needs and not our
wants. Needs are things you have to have to survive in today's world,
the necessities. Wants are the things that got you in debt in the first
place, there nice to have but unnecessary. These are all the things that
fill up the closets of your life with things you thought you just had to
have at the time, and today your still paying for them at high interest
I can tell you this, not being in debt is a great place to be, if you stay out
of any new debt, by learning the lessons from your past. You will be
surprised at how much more money you have in your pocket no matter
how much money you make. You'll find you have more money to spend
more money to save and more money to give, a life with less stress and
less worry.
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