Once upon a time and long ago there was this magic box that stood in our living rooms.
Some of these boxes came in different sizes, many looked like fine furniture with
numbered dials and lighted back grounds while others were not as fine and a little smaller,
and to us, they were magical transportation devices, known as radios. Oh, I know we
still have radios today, but the different between them was the element that the listener
would have to provide, and that was called imagination. For imagination was the key to
the great stories that were being told, that took us from the living rooms to places that did
or didn't exist. In just seconds you could be transported anywhere in the world and even
places out of this world and back, by the use of your imagination, radio became a visual
medium seeing pictures in your minds eye, you might say it was a kind of time machine.
Albert Einstein said "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming
attractions." Remembering that imagination can make the impossible, possible.
Carl Sagan said "Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it
we go nowhere." And so from the days before the written word, to the days of the digital
word, it seems that storytelling and imagination still live on at Sirius XM, Classic shows
from the golden age of radio, but on a much smaller scale. You would think by now that
radio would be just a memory from the past, but here it is, still hang on. Kind of like the
sandal, Roman armies wore them to conquer the known world, and we still wear them
today, to conquer the nearest mall.