Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Worlds Greatest Artist

He was, in the eyes of many, and still is the worlds greatest artist. He's an expert in
the worlds creative arts and design disciplines. His work has been seen by the whole
world, yet not everyone excepts who he is, or knows his name.

He started this project  with nothing, you might say his work started on a blank canvas,
and the canvas was void of shape or form, until he add light and shadow.Then he
painted in solids and liquids, landscapes and seascapes and animals all types and
descriptions, some walked on land, some swam in the seas, while others flew in the air.
Then he stepped back and looked at his work, and saw it was good.

And now he would embark on a design, the most difficult part of his creation, for
everything that was done before was for this part of his creation to flourish. he would
design and create the human form in his own image, and he would give them all the
gift of freewill, to except or reject life everlasting.


Monday, August 10, 2015

Life's Lessons

Learning life's lessons: It seems to me that life is on a calendar of ten year cycles.
When you were born till the age of 10 you were in your parents generation.
From 10 to 20, well that was your generation, the one you'll look back on the most
These were your breakout years, slowly separating yourself from your parents
generation. Then came the years 20 to 30, these are the years you'll look back and
ask, whats wrong with this young generation? And the cycle continues.



Friday, February 20, 2015

Human thoughts are the real danger

Published: Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 07:34 PM.

To the editor:
I’d like to explore a piece of history with you — a time that changed the world forever and still excites to this very day. It took place over seven decades ago, and its effect on the human race still casts a foreshadow of impending doom over the world.
It started with an idea, a thought exploring what had never been. An idea that seemed more important than the reality of what could be, what would be, or what should have been. On July 16, 1945, at place code-named Trinity, the world was changed forever.
In the light of a thousand suns, the world heard the words, “I am death, the destroyer of worlds.”
We now have nine nations, going on 10, with nuclear weapons — and this could really get out of control.
There is a saying, “Once the genie is out, you can’t put him back in the bottle.” In other words, once you invent something, you can’t un-invent it.
But there may be a solution. The solution would be to replace them with something else, or make them obsolete, too expensive to maintain or make.
That’s easier said than done. It is beginning to look like the most dangerous things in the world are human thoughts. It seems that everything that ever was started with a thought — an idea, invisible pieces of information entering the mind from sources unknown.
Bruce Knipp

Sunday, February 15, 2015

No Special reason

So yesterday was Valentine's day, and as I sat here at my computer and watched and
read all the good wishes people that I know had for each other. Even watched a coworker
get engaged on Facebook, ( good stuff Chris ) My own memories started to flow of
times passed. As I looked down under my printer stand I saw a old card my wife had
given me some years ago it wasn't a Valentine card, it was a  no special reason card.
She wrote, Hi honey I haven't gotten you a no special reason card for a long time. I
love you more today then yesterday! So in a strange way I did get a card from the
other side on Valentine's day      

Friday, January 16, 2015


There is this communications device I have used over the years on occasion, but I
must confess I've used it a lot over this last year, like everyday. Even though this
device has been around since the beginning of our time on this earth, it still
works, it seems to transmit using a little electrical and chemical components from
the brain stimulated by the mind.
The distances it can travel is in dispute, some say it covers trillions of miles in seconds
while others say it only has to travel a few feet, through time and space to a different
dimension. We use this device to ask for help in our lives  and other peoples lives. If
you are not sure how it all works, I would highly recommend as a last resort to always
read the instruction  manual. The communications device is called prayer, the instruction
manual, would be the Bible. Enough Said.