Sunday, December 2, 2012

Kill all the lawyers

In Shakespeare's Henry VI, is the line "the first thing we do, lets kill all the lawyers"
Now that line was really meant to compliment the great things lawyers do helping
to bring order out of chaos.
Well it seems that we have way, way to many lawyers in this country, many more then we
can use or need. We could really use more doctors and nurse's and almost any other
profession then more lawyers.

So what is a lawyer to do? They have to make a living right, got to pay off all those
expensive law school loans. A brandy new lawyer fresh out of school, looking for a
job in a over saturated and shrinking job market. So maybe our brandy new lawyer
gets a job with the ACLU. Now our brandy new lawyer can sink his or her teeth into
all those nasty christian symbols like school prayer, or The Ten Commandments on
public buildings, and Crosses, their are crosses everywhere and must be eliminated.
And lets not forget the tree, the dreaded Christmas Tree, is now the Holiday Tree
and last is the Nativity Scene. As the ACLU defends the separation between
church and state, which the Constitution doesn't even say, but hey, there the lawyers.

Then we have some lawyers with a great imagination, on how to make a buck. These
not so honorable lawyers go after small business using the Disabilities Act: they will
find a client, lets say in a wheel chair and send him or her into a business a week or a
mouth later the business gets a law suit in the mail, the business is being suited under
the Disabilities Act: The isles where to narrow for a wheel chair, the door to the bath
wasn't wide enough the stalls didn't have hand rails, and on and on it go's.
Some businesses have been in the same building for 30 or 40 years and try to be
accessible to the disabled, but it would take major renovations to the building and just
can't afford it. You see with the American Disabilities Act: if the client get just one
dollar from the law suit the business as to pay the law fees of the lawyer which are
higher then most. But the lawyer will drop the suit if the business settles out of court,
for 10,000 to 20,000 grand, the lawyer walk away with money in his pocket and his
client pockets 500 bucks for a days work. Oh you think its black mail? well your right
its ledge black mail, and their trying to put a stop to it now.

So do you think just maybe their was a lope hole in the law to let lawyers do this, and
the lope hole was put in the law intentionally. Well I can't say it was, but the total
number of lawyers in congress is 162 out of 441 members that's 36% and in the Senate
54 out of 100 that's 54% Thomas Jefferson said  "If the present Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise in a body to which the people send one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour? "


Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Poem

A poem is a short story told, conceived in a thought,
based on emotion, then spoken from the heart.
A conveyor of words where language is art, where ideas
and expressions are just a small part. Wisdom and
magic are part of each line, stirring up images deep
in your mind. Creating words through the power of
thought, telling your stories straight from your heart.
Taking this journey through the realms of the mind,
inspiring others with visions of time. A place where
imagination and fantasies start, traveling places by
the use of pure thought.

Bruce Knipp

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Change for a dollar

How much does it take to change the world? It seems, just a dollar,    
   one person at a time.                                                                          

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Theirs this list of things that some very talented people do, called temporary art.
Art that lasts only months, weeks, days, hours, and in some cases only minutes or
seconds. And the list of these art projects known as temporary, is pretty extensive,
When these artists are asked why, all the work and talent just to have it gone in a short
time, like it was never there. They point out that life is like there art, temporary, alas
all things in this world are but temporary things, some last longer then others but still,
just temporary.

So I would like to introduce you to some artists and there art, I would call temporary.
First is sand sculpture  under the right conditions sand sculptures can last about a month.

The next is called Ice sculpture
ice sculptures last until the temperature starts to rise.

Then there's crop circles and more.
You can say want you what about crop circle's but I call it art. Last till the crop is harvested.

How about some snow art.

Here is some 3D sidewalk art

And then there,s Andy Goldworthy a natrual artist

Sand Painting
These pictures last only seconds

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Unfairness of Life

Been a lot of talk lately about fairness, so I thought I'd just
add my two cents into the conversation. So here it goes, Life Is
Not Fair, it's not supposed to be, what life is, is a challenge.
A set of obstacles to be overcome, some of us have enormous
difficulties to overcome, while others seem to just skate through
life with not a care in the world. A case of the grass being
greener on the other side. Fairness in life doesn't exist, it's
against the laws of nature, it's a dog eat dog would, where only
the strong survive.

Now some in government talk about try to legislate fairness.
Try as you may, you can not legislate fairness, because it can't
be done for long, sooner or later it will revert back to the laws
of nature. Life is just not fair, deal with it.

Bruce Knipp