Friday, January 16, 2015


There is this communications device I have used over the years on occasion, but I
must confess I've used it a lot over this last year, like everyday. Even though this
device has been around since the beginning of our time on this earth, it still
works, it seems to transmit using a little electrical and chemical components from
the brain stimulated by the mind.
The distances it can travel is in dispute, some say it covers trillions of miles in seconds
while others say it only has to travel a few feet, through time and space to a different
dimension. We use this device to ask for help in our lives  and other peoples lives. If
you are not sure how it all works, I would highly recommend as a last resort to always
read the instruction  manual. The communications device is called prayer, the instruction
manual, would be the Bible. Enough Said.



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